Composition—Organization or arrangement of forms
in a space.
Subject--In the representational arts, that
which is represented, as distinguished by the author usually.
Focal point--In any composition, representational
or abstract, a dominant area of major interest upon which the eye focuses more
Plane--A flat surface.
Picture plane--The surface upon
which an image is painted, drawn, printed, etc.
Ground plane--In a picture, the surface apparently
receding into the picture space, upon which people and objects seem to stand.
Picture space--The space that
appears to extend back beyond a picture plane, although only
illusionistic. Picture space is usually
divided into “Foreground”, “Middleground”, and “Background” along the ground
Perspective--The representation, on a
2-Dimensional surface, of 3-Dimensional objects in space. Sometimes, but not always, in reference to a
single vanishing point and converging lines.
Foreshortening—A method of
representing objects or parts of objects as if they were seen at an angle and
receding into space instead of being seen in a strictly frontal or profile
profile foreshortened
Medium--The physical material with which an
artist works.
Modeling--In 2-Dimensional mediums it is the
suggestion of 3-Dimensionality through mark-making.
Shading—In painting, drawing, etc. the
darkening of parts of an image to suggest play of light and shadow. Shading is a type of modeling.
Volume--Any 3-Dimensional quality which is
bound or enclosed, whether a solid or a void.
“Thumbnail” sketch—A small, crude
preparatory sketch used to help with arrangement of objects in a composition.
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